Meta urged to ban minors from virtual world

According to a report by Cointelegraph, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has been urged to ban minors from accessing their virtual world, Metaverse.

The report stated that the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has called on Meta to take immediate action to ensure that Metaverse is safe for children. The NSPCC has highlighted the potential risks to children that could arise from exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, grooming, and sexual exploitation. The organization has also called for robust age verification checks to prevent children from accessing the platform. The call for action comes amid growing concerns about the safety of young people in virtual worlds and online spaces.

Many experts have warned that existing regulations may not be sufficient to protect children from online harm, and have called for stronger measures to be put in place.

Source : Metaverse for youth: Meta urged to ban minors from virtual world