This page provides advice and guidance for anyone facing online issues, whether you are a young person or an adult.
- I’ve experienced online slander and it’s really affecting me. What are some ways I can start to feel better?
Online slander can have a big influence on your well-being, but there are steps you can do to start feeling better. First and foremost, legitimize your emotions by identifying and embracing them as legitimate responses. There’s nothing wrong or abnormal about feeling the way you feel , it’s a emotional response of a normal human. Seek the help of trusted friends, relatives, or a counselor who can offer empathy and understanding. Stress can be reduced by engaging in self-care activities such as exercise, hobbies, or relaxation techniques.
Limiting your exposure to slanderous sources by banning or unfollowing those implicated might also be beneficial. Report incidents to platform management and retain records for future reference. If the impact continues, consider contacting a mental health professional who can provide specialized help and coping skills customized to your specific situation. Remember that healing takes time, so be patient with yourself. Those who slander you are also humans and are hiding behind online platforms. Their hate comments and slander has nothing to do with you, rather shows their own internal negativity and insecurity.
- A friend of mine was recently a victim of online slander. How can I deal with them?
If a friend has been the victim of internet slander, it is critical that you address the situation with understanding and support. Make it possible for your friend to communicate their feelings and concerns without fear of being judged. Actively listen and validate their emotions. In such times, just lending your ear can be of great help. Reassure them and remind them of their good characteristics. Encourage them to take action by reporting instances, recording evidence, and altering privacy settings.
Make a positive impact by balancing negativity with kindness and empathy. Encourage self-care activities and, if necessary, refer to a professional. Your understanding and support can go a long way towards assisting your friend in navigating this difficult situation. Make them feel that they aren’t alone in this and don’t let them question their self-worth.
- I’m being cyberbullied, but I don’t want to involve my parents. Who else can I turn to for help?
If you do not want to involve your parents in the matter, there are various different other people you can seek help from . Contact a trusted teacher, school counselor, or a responsible adult in your school community for advice and assistance. You can also reach out to helplines dedicated to assisting victims of cyberbullying, such as local or national hotlines or online support programmes.
Anyway make sure you tell someone about this. Battling such situations alone can be depressing and can affect you badly. Just speaking about something that bothers you aloud, with someone trusted can relieve you. Remember, that it’s not your fault and the bullies are not invincible, they are toxic individuals who use the privacy and secrecy of online platforms to bully others, pacifying their own negativity.
- My friend is being cyberbullied. Should I intervene? How can I do so effectively?
If a friend is being cyberbullied, you must intervene and provide your support. In such situations, you should never leave your friend alone. Make them understand that it’s not their fault and explain them that it’s not the end of the world. What I mean is ! For someone who’s being bullied it’s a huge problem and they may take very wrong steps or rash descisions while tackling it.
Begin by speaking privately with your friend, expressing your worry and offering to assist. Encourage them to report the bullying to the relevant platforms, to block the perpetrators, and to save evidence. Offer to be a witness or supply any documentation required. First cut off all sources of such bullying. Engage in pleasant activities with your friend and encourage them to seek help from a trusted adult or school authority to help them focus on their well-being. Above all, be a caring listener who reminds them that they are not alone in this predicament.
- Someone shared my personal information online without my consent. What steps can I take to address this?
If someone has shared your personal information online without your permission, you must act quickly to remedy the matter. To begin, gather proof by collecting screenshots or videotaping instances of information transfer. Then, provide the evidence and report the event to the platform or website where it occurred. If the disclosure of personal information represents harassment or a breach of privacy laws, contact the appropriate authorities.
Consider contacting a legal practitioner for advice on additional steps you can take to preserve your privacy and potentially seek removal of the shared information. Finally, prioritize self-care and seek emotional assistance from friends, family, or a counselor to help you cope with the emotional consequences of this violation. Remember that , you don’t have to face all of this alone and it’s not your fault. If you ask help from your parents, good friends or at school, people will definitely help you and help you tackle the situation.
- I was bullied online, and while I’ve stopped using the platform, it’s still affecting me. What can I do to move on?
If you’ve been bullied online and it’s still bothering you long after you’ve stopped using the platform, there are things you can do to reclaim your groove. First and foremost, give yourself permission to experience what you’re feeling and realize that it’s completely valid. Contact your close friends, family, or a cool counselor who can provide an ear and provide guidance. Take care of yourself by doing activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Tell those bad ideas to go away and concentrate on the positive aspects of yourself.
If circumstances are truly tough, don’t be afraid to seek expert assistance. Remember that healing takes time, but with support and self-care, you’ll be back in the game in no time.
- I’ve experienced discrimination online. Why do people feel the need to say hurtful things like that?
People may engage in online discrimination and say unpleasant things for a variety of reasons, including anonymity, a desire for power or control, prejudice, insecurity, or just to elicit an emotional response. Online platforms can occasionally create an environment in which people feel less responsibility for their activities, which leads to a rise in discriminating behavior.
It is critical to recognise that the causes for such behavior are complicated and diverse. To combat online bigotry, we must all work together to cultivate empathy, promote education, and establish safer online environments that promote polite and inclusive conversation.
- What are the benefits of talking to a counselor or therapist about my online experiences?
Speaking with a counselor or therapist about your internet experiences might have various advantages. They provide a safe and confidential environment in which you can express your feelings and worries honestly. These experts can provide validation, support, and direction in managing the emotional effect of internet experiences. They can assist you with developing coping mechanisms, increasing your resilience, and processing any negative feelings or trauma.
Counselors and therapists are educated to provide personalized insights and skills to assist you in healing, developing self-esteem, and developing better ways to interact with online platforms. Seeking professional assistance can help you grow as a person and enable you to overcome obstacles.
- I’m being bullied by my classmates online and it’s affecting my ability to attend school. What steps can I take to address this?
It stinks when classmates start online bullying you and it disrupts your school life. But don’t worry, you can deal with this nonsense. First, gather all of the bullying evidence—screenshots, messages, etc. Then, show the evidence to a teacher or a trusted adult at school. They must be aware of what is going on. Don’t forget to ask your friends and family for help at this difficult time. You have the right to feel protected and respected, so don’t be afraid to speak out for yourself. Together, we can put an end to bullying!
- What actions can I take if someone uses sexually explicit or discriminatory language towards me during an online game?
That’s not cool if someone starts using sexually explicit or discriminatory language on you while you’re playing an online game. But don’t let them off the hook! First and foremost, take a deep breath and try not to let their remarks depress you. Show ’em you mean business by reporting their sorry behinds using the game’s reporting features. Block or silence the person to avoid dealing with their nasty behavior. If things become too serious or dangerous, report the event to the game’s administration or even the authorities. Remember that you have the right to feel safe and respected both online and offline.

Anwesha Anindita Lenka
With a BA in English literature, she’s an experienced writer and passionate mental health enthusiast committed to creating informative content that helps people understand and cope with mental health challenges.